I am an almost baby boomer who had already had 2 spinal surgeries when I became a candidate for a neck fusion. I am athletic and was unwilling to be surgicalized again due to the post surgical down time and pain lingering from my prior two surgeries. I decided to seek alternate reconstruction techniques and found Dr. Perretz. My Neurosurgeon removed me as a candidate for cervical fusion after 6 months of being seen by Advanced Pain. Prolo and Neural therapies have not only saved me from surgery but eliminated the lingering pain from my earlier back surgeries. To say that I am grateful for Perry and his skill would be an understatement! I recommend prolo and Dr. Perretz in particular to everyone that I come across who has pain as a result of injury or boomeritis. Pain can be eliminated at its source. My MDs can't believe how active f continue to be with my spinal history and I'm living proof that this is incredible medicine. Perry is great!